I wish to inform
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Algebird Decayed Value
A DecayedValue conveys the idea of a value that is exponentially decaying over time. The DecayedValue itself just represents a snapshot of such a decaying value, it has a value and time. The time is actually scaled time, different exponentially decaying values can be normalized to the same timescale such that they decay at the same rate. The value of a DecayedValue at any other time can be computed by exponentially scaling the value.
e.g. Let's say we have DecayedValue(1.0, 100) i.e. value of 1.0 and scaledTime of 100. Let's say we want to find out what this DecayedValue will be at time 101. For this we basically just need to decay the value by one unit of exponential decay i.e. to 1.0 * Math.exp(-1). So the new value will be:
DecayedValue(Math.exp(-1), 101). Similarly the value at time 99 would be DecayedValue(Math.exp(1), 99). Note that all of these represent the exact same thing i.e
DecayedValue(1.0, 100) === DecayedValue(Math.exp(-1), 101) === DecayedValue(Math.exp(1), 99)
See how we've represented a varying value immutably. This is general concept, values varying with time can be made immutable by capturing their value at a specific time along with the timestamp.
Here's some more sample code to illustrate the concept:
def decayedValueTry() = {
// Choosing values so that x decayed at y's time is equal to y's value
val x = DecayedValue(Math.exp(2), 1)
val y = DecayedValue(Math.exp(1), 2)
// eps is a value below which we consider decayed value to be 0
val monoid = DecayedValueMonoid(0.01)
val sum = monoid.plus(x, y)
// We are expecting double of y's value since x is chosen such that
// it decays to y's value, with infinitesimally small error.
assert(Math.abs(2 * y.value - sum.value) < 0.00001)
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Finagle, promises, local and dtab
So what is a request context. To understand request context we first have to understand how computations work in finagle. The first two rules of finagle are that you do not block. So how then do you make network calls and other typically blocking operations? The answer is that you still, of course, perform all those computations but by not blocking. Each blocking computation returns a future and then you define future computations on that. This way you never block a thread, you just do your thing and leave the thread, defining the next steps when you get a chance again. In this way you can define what you want to do as a graph of these chained operations. It may sound complex but in practice it is very easy to express as monadic operations on futures. Scala even provides a convenient (for comprehension) syntax for expressing these. So you can imagine an incoming request coming in, starting a bunch of async computations that in turn spawn other computations and so on. Ultimately, a request ends up occupying chunks of execution time slices on many threads. Request Context is state that is available in all those time slices. If all these operations were happening on the same thread in a blocking manner then defining this context would be very simple, it's just any state defined on the thread, whatever variable you define is available to all subsequent operations. In an async scenario this has to be managed in a more sophisticated manner. What we basically have to do is save the request context before starting any async operation and restore it afterwards. Request Context is stored in com.twitter.util.Local.
Local is a utility class built on Java's ThreadLocal that provides operations to easily save and restore data saved in Local onto the current thread. This saving and restoring of state is exactly what happens in async operations in finagle. Async operations are typically implemented as promises. A promise is created at the start of an async operation. This promise implements the future interface and can be passed to callers who can use them to define operations pending on the execution of the underlying async operation of the promise. When the async operation finishes, the promise is marked complete. Thus a promise wraps the execution of an async operation. Finagle does an additional thing here. Before executing the async operation the local context, defined using com.twitter.util.Local, is stored away and after the async operation finishes it is restored. Thus the local context survives the async operation. This facility is extremely powerful as we'll see. We can stow away some piece of data regarding a particular request and have it available in all computations spawned by the request.
Delegations Tables or DTabs are a mechanism of defining how names map to locations where locations are network locations defined ultimately as ipaddress+port. Imagine on your desktop machine you had mounted a remote server's directory, the remote server directory in turn had mounted another server's directory, which had mounted a disk under it's directory somewhere and so on. When you want to read from a file in such a filesystem a lot of resolutions may happen behind the scenes. After some prefix of the path, when a mounted location is encountered, it would have to be mapped to a network location. This kind of a thing will go on until we find the file in question in some sector of some disk somewhere. My point is that names translate to locations. Similarly in Wily naming names translate to locations albeit the locations are host port pairs in the ip universe. There is an elaborate process of resolution to achieve that. Finagle allows overriding the resolution process at various granularities, the finest of which is an individual request. The overrides are defined by things called delegation tables, which basically define prefix substitutions. I won't go into the details of that mechanism here, that's a different topic, but talk about how overriding of these dtabs per request is achieved.
The DTab overrides for a request are basically stored in the local context, defined by com.twitter.util.Local. This dtab override then stays available through out the asynchronous life of a request and affects every network request that this request in turn spawns. Thus every downstream network request that this request triggers uses the overridden delegation table. Well that's not the end of it, for participating protocols such as Http and Thrift this overridden delegation table gets written to outgoing requests and read back on the receiving services. Thus these overrides are basically preserved across the entire network stack for the request. Is this cool or what? Calling it amazing would be an understatement, if you ask me.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Embrace the implicit
When you first learn scala, implicits come as one of the most advanced and complicated features to grasp. Over time, you get an impression from the scala community that implicits are an advanced feature that should be used carefully. This makes a lot of sense because when you use them in your code, everybody that reads the code needs to know about implicits first of all and then how the particular implicit works in that particular context. Implicits are somewhat magical (and by magical I mean the bad sort of magic) in that sense. Usually when you read code, the context that you need to understand the code with, is around there or at least there is a direct clue to where go look. With implicits, the process to go look is complicated, because the best fit is chosen through an involved process. You have to look at all related companion objects and see if an implicit is defined there that would fit the invocation location best. For compiler, this is an easy thing to do, but for humans it’s very involved.
So well, if there is so much complexity associated with implicits then why embrace them. I’ll give you two reasons:
Implicits are used all over the place in most of the useful and popular scala libraries. Without understanding how they work it will feel like magic (not good); you may as well be working in ruby.
Implicits happen to be fundamental to scala
The first point is self explanatory. Let me expand on the second one.
A great thing about scala collections is that when you map over a collection you get back the collection of the same type or the type that fits best. E.g. if you map over list you get back a list. If you map over an array you get back an array, when you map over a map you get back a map !! This, as you would expect, is a very important property of the collections and arguably without this property the collections would be far less useful. The way this is achieved in the scala collections is through the CanBuildFrom pattern. There is a great explanation of how this works in the "Programming in Scala" book in the chapter titled "The Architecture of Scala Collections". In short, the way it works is that each collection type has an associated builder that knows how to build a collection of the type, adding one element at a time. The map function on the collection takes an implicit builder factory as input. At compile time, the builder that best fits in the context is implicitly chosen and thus the builder of the same type or the "most similar" type is chosen. The concept is explained in great detail in the paper titled Generics of a Higher Kind.
Context bounds and adhoc polymorphism in scala work using implicit conversions.
Martin Odersky, the creator of scala, even includes implicit parameters in the simple parts of Scala.
For better or for worse, implicits are hard to avoid in Scala. I feel it’s best to embrace them rather than avoid learning about them. The important rules for implicits are these:
Only constructs defined with the implicit keyword can be used in an implicit context. So, if your function takes an implicit parameter of type MyType then only a variable of type MyType that is defined marked with the keyword implicit would fit, not any other variable of that type.
val builder = new Builder[MyType]("some") implicit val implicitBuilder = new Builder[MyType]("imp") def myfunc(param1: String)(implicit builder: Builder[MyType])
Only implicitBuilder fits and will be picked up.
An inserted implicit conversion must be in scope as a single identifier, or be associated with the source or target type of the conversion.
This is the most complex part. The scope here is not just the lexical scope but includes the companion types, and associated companion types) of the source and target as well. Source type is the object that is passed in and target type is the type that is expected in the context. The implicit conversions may be defined in the companion object of either type. Any time you see a function call it’s hard to predict by quickly reading the code what types it was passed in because the passed in type may be any that can convert to the expected type through implicit conversions, which can be defined in the imported definitions, companion objects of the source and target types. If this wasn’t enough the definitions are also searched in associated types of the source and target types where association is defined by
All subtypes of a type
All type parameters of a types
Special associations for Singleton types and type projections
Mind boggles at the possibilities.
One-at-a-time Rule: Only one implicit is tried.
The compiler will never rewrite x + y to convert1(convert2(x)) + y (example taken directly from the book Programming in Scala)
Explicits-First Rule: Whenever code type checks as it is written, no implicits are attempted.
If the code compiles already, i.e. without needing any implicit conversions then none will be attempted. Implicit conversions are always used as a fall back.
Where implicits are tried.
implicit parameters
def map[B, That](f: (A) ⇒ B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[List[A], B, That]): That
implicit conversions to expected type
implicit def intToString(i: Int): String = i.toString def hyphenate(str: String) val i = 1234 hyphenate(i)
The above compiles even though hyphenate receives an int instead of string because int gets converted to the expected type, i.e. string, automatically
Conversions of the receiver of a selection
import OptToTry._ val opt = funcThatMaybeReturnsAnInt() opt.toTry(new Exception("No dice")) object OptToTry { class TryConvertableOption[T](opt: Option[T]) { def toTry(e: Exception) = opt match { case Some(v) => Return(v) case None => Throw(e) } } implicit def optToTryConvertableOption(opt: Option[T]): TryConvertableOption[T] = new TryConvertableOption(opt) }
OptToTry supplies an implict conversion from option to TryConvertableOption that supports a method to convert an option to a Try. This enables calling toTry on options to convert them to Try.
Having a good grasp of implicits is not easy but is essential to get a good grip on scala. I wish I could give you a silver bullet but there is none that I know of. Get over it and embrace the implicits. One caveat though, implicits allow you to play nice magical tricks, tricks that will be a puzzle to everyone who reads that code every time, including you. I like solving puzzles but not when I’m reading code, I hope you feel the same and keep it simple with implicits.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Blogging from command line using b.py
Since it took me some time to figure out how to set up b.py to start blogging from command line, I thought I'd post it out here.
pip install b.py
pip install markdown
pip install google-api-python-client
pip install python-gflags
pip install docutils
brew install source-highlight
Then make a directory where you'll keep your blogs. This directory needs to have a configuration file called brc.py
Mine looks like this(I use blogger, blogid jumbled):
service = "b"
service_options = {
'blog': 3865076449691263698
Save the above in a file called brc.py in the same folder where you want to keep your blogs.
To get your blog id run the following:
b.py blogs
This does two things:
- It would ask you login to blogger in the browser and then save the creds in a file called b.dat. Make sure you doe this in the blog directory, the one that has brc.py
- It lists your blogs along with the blog id. You should update the blog id in the brc.py file
Now create blog post in markdown e.g. like this:
service: blogger
title: My First Post
labels: blogging
My first blog from command line
The first four lines are special. !b tells b.py that headers follow. The three headers provide info about the blog post.
Make sure the following files are in the blog directory:
- brc.py
- b.dat
- blogpost.md
Now publish the post: b.py post blogpost.md
This should have published the blog. b.py would have changed your blog file, don't be surprised. It inserts some metadata in the file, perhaps to keep track of it to update it later, I haven't tried.
If you need speed nothing beats command line. Thank the creator of b.py and enjoy!!
Friday, July 5, 2013
Akka Source Code Notes
private var behaviorStack: List[Actor.Receive] = emptyBehaviorStack
message match {
case Terminated(dead) ⇒ throw new DeathPactException(dead)
case _ ⇒ context.system.eventStream.publish(UnhandledMessage(message, sender, self))
case message: SystemMessage if shouldStash(message, currentState) ⇒ stash(message)
case f: Failed ⇒ handleFailure(f)
case DeathWatchNotification(a, ec, at) ⇒ watchedActorTerminated(a, ec, at)
case Create(failure) ⇒ create(failure)
case Watch(watchee, watcher) ⇒ addWatcher(watchee, watcher)
case Unwatch(watchee, watcher) ⇒ remWatcher(watchee, watcher)
case Recreate(cause) ⇒ faultRecreate(cause)
case Suspend() ⇒ faultSuspend()
case Resume(inRespToFailure) ⇒ faultResume(inRespToFailure)
case Terminate() ⇒ terminate()
case Supervise(child, async) ⇒ supervise(child, async)
// Note: contrary how it looks, there is no allocation here, as SystemMessageList is a value class and as such
// it just exists as a typed view during compile-time. The actual return type is still SystemMessage.
new LatestFirstSystemMessageList(Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, AbstractMailbox.systemMessageOffset).asInstanceOf[SystemMessage])
if (mbox.canBeScheduledForExecution(hasMessageHint, hasSystemMessageHint)) { //This needs to be here to ensure thread safety and no races
if (mbox.setAsScheduled()) {
try {
executorService execute mbox
} catch {
case e: RejectedExecutionException ⇒
try {
executorService execute mbox
} catch { //Retry once
case e: RejectedExecutionException ⇒
eventStream.publish(Error(e, getClass.getName, getClass, "registerForExecution was rejected twice!"))
throw e
} else false
} else false
val mbox = receiver.mailbox
mbox.enqueue(receiver.self, invocation)
registerForExecution(mbox, true, false)
try {
val m = msg.message.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
if (system.settings.SerializeAllMessages && !m.isInstanceOf[NoSerializationVerificationNeeded]) {
val s = SerializationExtension(system)
s.deserialize(s.serialize(m).get, m.getClass).get
dispatcher.dispatch(this, msg)
} catch handleException